Investing in You
Written by: LaTecia Yarbrough
If not you, then who will invest in you? The largest investor you can have is yourself. I went to a conference simply because I considered it as an investment in my future and career, despite the fact that my employer could not cover the cost. When no one else does, we sometimes have to take that courageous step and decide for ourselves. The return on investment for yourself will always be positive, but occasionally you may worry that it will cost too much or take too much time away from your job. We have no issues investing in other people's businesses by purchasing their cars, plane tickets, stocks, bonds, or by depositing our money in the bank for them to invest in themselves. We should invest in ourselves with the same level of enthusiasm.
I am now placing my future mental, financial, and spiritual success in my own hands because if not me, then who? Only you can determine what you'll need to succeed, and spending the time, effort, and money will be well worth it. I'm setting up the dinner table for my family; therefore, I'm going to the conference, buying the book, and taking the online course. For the sake of my family's future generations, I wish to leave a lasting legacy. I must first invest in myself if I want to accomplish this. Therefore, I will pay for therapy so that I don't pass on generational trauma, I will pay for professional development so that I can achieve financial independence, and I will serve and give to my church since they are investing in me and the community.
What I am not doing in this season is holding on to people's weights and burdens that do not serve me or feed my goals. This applies to friends and family. I can only continue to give my energy if we both gain something from it. This season, I suppose, is all about MYSELF. I chose ME with confidence because, if not me, then who?