Being a Black Educator

LaTecia Yarbrough

Many times, being a Black educator means one is tokenized. I find myself being in places and spaces where I am the only one but having to speak for everyone in my community. I felt that often, I was placed in a position to give back to students of color, but I was never given the resources to properly care for the needs of those students. It is almost like institutions are saying, “We care for Black students, but make sure it does not cost too much.”

I find myself being strategic about my “ask” to ensure both the administration and my students feel treated fairly, yet more often than not, my students are often being impacted negatively. This labor of love could be exhausting but rewarding at the same time. I am so grateful for the opportunity to invest in young Black students in my efforts to give back to the world that does not see them, appreciate them, or love them the way I will. 

When we talk about our work, the “me” in our work is never recognized. There is no training or development that addresses the concerns of how Black educators are feeling… what it feels like every day to pour into students of color when your cup is often empty… what it means to be challenged by your peers… what it means when your ideas/creations are being stolen right under your noses… and what it means to be the only person in your family or friend group to really understand your day-to-day experiences.

To all those bosses that think they are “woke” but do more harm than good, I had a rude awakening when I realized that not all skin folk were my kin folk. I told myself in this new year, I am going to take those sick days to pour back into myself and to fill my cup with what feels good to me. I am not going to feel guilty and respond to folks on my day off because they have no idea how to run the show when I am not there. 

To all the Black educators, I want to say thank you. Thank you for getting up every morning to serve in a world that does not want to see you win. Thank you for using your personal connections and resources to serve the students you care for. Thank you for challenging a system that never thought about you in its design.

Thank you for never giving up when the administration challenged your ability to be great. Thank you for having integrity and loyalty to a system that will never fully be committed to you. Thank you for loving the students like your own. Thank you for being you, and if no one else says it, I APPRECIATE YOU!

